Foundation for Water
"Foundation for Water is a UK charity with the purpose of helping water support life. It was set up in 2008 by John Wilkes, building on his founding of a water research centre at Emerson College in the 1970s. John Wilkes coordinated significant research design activities there by a network of scientists, mathematicians and designers supporting his breakthrough insights into water’s dynamic role vital to nature’s health. Worldwide, there is much discussion on how to heal the planet in this time of environmental crisis, and healing water’s poor condition is a major aspect of this challenge. Foundation for Water is developing five focus areas of work to respond effectively to the urgent issues facing water worldwide:
Education: sharing a profound understanding of water and its vital importance to nature
Research: conducting research into nature’s effective ways of creating good water quality
Technology: developing eco-technologies to restore good water quality, using nature’s methods
Water projects: with associates, installing sustainable water projects worldwide as examples
Water 2050: a planned comprehensive interactive ‘world water website’ and action network, challenging humanity to return our planet’s water back to its 1950 quality by 2050."

For more information on the Foundation for Water, see their website: http://www.foundationforwater.org