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Daily Rhythm at Robin's Nest


Robin's Nest is a rhythmical environment by its very nature, a therapeutic space that has been created with the child's well being at heart. Children are rhythmical beings and thrive in conditions that can reflect this. The day follows a path of contraction and expansion in its movement, allowing the child to maintain a harmony of being.


The morning begins with a quiet teacher led activity. This is usually in the form of domestic work or a seasonal craft where the children are guided through song and learn through the imitation of the teacher. Painting, baking, drawing and growing provide the child with rich, artistic content, where they can explore in freedom. A slow transition into free play then follows where the child's imagination is nurtured through open ended apparatus, materials, puppets and dolls.

The adults around the children are involved in daily domestic work. This provides a warm sense of security, which allows the child to work and play with contentment. During this time the teacher will take the older ones to one side for their daily hand work, preparing their will and fine motor skills for school readiness. The co-worker will be busy preparing the morning snack: while chopping, grating and washing grains she is normally joined eagerly by several other children. These are activities associated with the archetypal home and not only nourish and strengthen the senses of the child but build the life forces of the setting.




The free play is brought to a natural close, guided through song: 'It's tidying time, it's tidying time, it's time to tidy away, we've had a lovely play'.

The children and adults tidy away with such care and attention to detail. Everything has its place, the dolls are carefully clothed, wrapped in blankets and tucked away for sleep. Plates, cups and cuttlery are arranged in the kitchen for another tea party while the stones, crystals and wood are counted and replaced back into their own baskets. The older children work together to lay the table for mid morning snack. Children and chairs are counted, bowls and spoons prepared and fresh tea picked from the garden or collected from the drying herbs.......



The children now gather around the teacher, placing their hands on their hearts awaiting the morning verse, a time to really greet the morning and welcome each other. The morning circle reflects the season through a narrative of song, rhyme, verse and games. Big bodily movements as well as small finer movements of fingers and hands are used, awakening a sense of connectedness but also creating a deep feeling of reverence for the natural world and the gifts each season brings.

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